1. TITLE The Association shall be called “The Broughty Ferry Traders’ Association”.

2. AIMS AND OBJECTS To foster and promote trade and business generally within Broughty Ferry, to maintain and preserve and where possible improve and increase the amenities of the area and the well being and prosperity of its inhabitants, and if necessary to make representations to individuals or to corporate bodies on behalf of its members.

3. MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be open to any individual, partnership or limited company having a place of business in Broughty Ferry on payment of such annual subscription as may be determined at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The Committee, but only on a majority vote shall have power to refuse admission. The  Chairman shall have the casting vote (see 7). Where a firm has two or more partners, these partners may attend meetings and take part in any discussion but only one vote may be recorded in respect of each partnership. Similarly, while all the directors of a company may attend meetings and take part in any discussion, only one vote may be recorded on behalf of each company. Where a business is conducted by a manager, such manager shall be entitled to attend and vote on behalf of his principals. It shall be competent for any member to send a duly accredited representative to any General Meeting to act on behalf of said member. All meetings are open to all member businesses, and other invitees as determined by the Committee.

4. SUBSCRIPTION The membership subscription for the ensuring year shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

5. OFFICE BEARERS AND COMMITTEE The affairs of the Association shall be managed by a committee appointed annually at the AGM to represent the members. All members have the right to propose themselves for nomination to the Committee. The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies occurring in its members during the year. Such co-opted members of the Committee shall hold office until the following Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election to the Committee at that meeting. The Committee may from time to time appoint such Sub-Committees as they deem necessary either from amongst themselves or other invitees as determined by the committee. The Chairman of any such Sub-Committee must be a member of the Committee of the Association. An auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting to audit the books and accounts for the current year. A fee may be charged by the auditor.

6. QUORUMS A Quorum at a General Meeting shall be eleven, at a Committee Meeting Five and at a Sub-Committee Meeting three.

7. VOTING Voting at meetings shall be by a show of hands unless otherwise decided by a majority of those present. The Chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote at all meetings whether they be General, Committee or Sub-Committee meetings.

8. FINANCIAL YEAR AND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The financial year of the Association shall end on 31st December and the Annual General Meeting shall be held within three months thereafter for the presentation of the Accounts for the preceding year, duly audited, for the fixing of the Honoraria of the Secretary and Treasurer and any other payment as otherwise proposed and voted by the attending members, for the election of Office-bearers and members of the Committee for the ensuing year and for such otherbusiness as may be arranged by the Committee. No business of an extraordinary nature shall be considered unless notification of same has been included in clear terms in the agenda of business appended to the notice calling the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting of the Association on a requisition addressed to him in writing by seven or more members of the Association stating the business to be transacted and specifying the terms of any motion to be placed before such Special General Meeting. Seven clear days notice of all General meetings shall be sent to each member of the Association and an agenda of business shall be appended to each circular calling said meeting, which agenda shall include the terms of any motion, if known to the Secretary to be proposed at said meeting.

9. DISSOLUTION The Association may only be dissolved at a Special General Meeting called on a requisition addressed to the Secretary to this effect by seven or more members. Twenty one clear days notice of such a meeting shall be posted by the Secretary to each member. Such notice shall contain the terms of the resolution to be placed before the Meeting. A motion for dissolution of the Association shall not be carried except by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by those present.

10. In the event of the dissolution, the funds remaining will be devoted to objects similar to those of the Association, to charitable purposes within Broughty Ferry and to other purposes approved by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise.

11. The Committee shall have power to frame Bye-Laws consistent with these rules, which shall be binding upon all members until set aside by a vote at a General Meeting of the Association or withdrawn by order of the Committee.

12. The rules of the Association as defined by this Constitution, shall only be altered at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. Notice of any proposed alteration to the rules shall be intimated to the Secretary of the Association and shall be submitted by him to each member prior to any such General meeting. The said rules shall not be altered except by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by those present at said meeting