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Greens of Broughty Ferry

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Welcome to Greens of Broughty Ferry! Our fresh and friendly convenience store is located on Claypotts Road, Broughty Ferry. We offer a wide range of groceries, fresh produce, meal items, food to go, sweet treats and more.

We’re proud supporters of local suppliers, featuring beloved brands such as:

Fisher & Donaldson

Probably the best Fudge Doughnut in Scotland, if not the world! We stock a huge range of sweet and savoury treats from the Cupar-based, 5th-generation, Royal-Warrant-holding family bakers. 


Skwishee is the COOLest, fizziest, frozenated drink! Try Mad Mango, Frozen Raspberry, Redberrylicious, or mix all three!

Clark’s Bakery

The legendary 24-hour Clark’s Bakery from Dundee supplies us with cakes, filled sandwiches and baguettes, wraps, pasta to go, and more—perfect for any mealtime.

Making a Difference Locally

We donate a portion of our proceeds to many local charities and initiatives. The money is raised simply by shopping in-store; this is our way of giving back to the community in Broughty Ferry. If you have a charity or local initiative close to your heart, please drop us an email, and we’ll see how we can help.

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